evan giaa

Evan's musical journey differs from most in the EDM industry. "I started with classical singing and opera training," she says. Her early years were filled with intense training and competitions, demonstrating her dedication that later aided her success in EDM. "I spent every weekend competing in classical music competitions around the Greater Boston area. My dad would drive me, we’d do the competitions on Saturday, and I’d take voice lessons three times a week."

The intense training Evan underwent formed a strong foundation for her future in music, comparing its rigor to that of a competitive sport. She highlights the steadfast support her family provided, consistently nurturing her talent throughout her journey.

Her path took an unexpected turn when she enrolled at Berklee College of Music, where the competitive environment led her to pause her singing career and focus on studying music business. Throughout her college years, she concentrated on earning her degree, with little time left for singing or music creation. Reflecting on her experience, she felt stressed and constantly compared herself to other singers in an environment full of talent and intense competition. 

After graduating, Evan relocated to New York City, where she now resides. "I moved to New York City and met my now husband," she says. He encouraged her to start writing. "I'd never written a song in my life, but I began writing over his random beats. Now, here we are.”

The Evan Giaa brand has evolved significantly since she first began releasing music. Her goal has always been to create a distinct, recognizable brand. She emphasizes the organic nature of her brand development: “In the beginning, I was really just experimenting, trying different things, and seeing what sticks. But at the end of the day, the brand has always been an extension of what I think is cool at the moment.” She continues, “I have always wanted people to close their eyes and be able to instantly picture what Evan Giaa is, and I’ve never been more proud of where it is right now.” 

Evan’s musical style has undergone significant changes since her chart-topper “WESTWORLD” in 2018. “I think I finally understand how to use my voice in the EVAN GIIA context,” she explains. “I finally understand how to sing my songs. It’s one thing to write your songs, but you have to learn how to sing them.” She elaborates on this growth, noting, “I’ve opened up my voice to use my instrument in a much more layered and deeper capacity. It’s evolved in such a positive way.”

Evan's upcoming album draws inspiration from a challenging period in her career. She was dropped by Capitol Records about six months ago. This experience motivated her to embrace dependence and self-reliance. Now, she's investing her own savings into her music, choosing to fund her project without seeking support from any labels.

One of Evans favorite tracks on the album, titled “Boy’s Name,” represents her journey of self-discovery and embracing her identity as an artist. She explains, “In high school, everyone would say, ‘Isn’t that a boy’s name?’ and I’d reply, ‘Yeah, but it also isn’t.’ I never really owned my name until I started Evan Giaa.” Embracing her name allowed Evan to grow her brand into something that inspired others. 

For those looking to break into the industry, Evan emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself. “You just have to write the music that you feel is cool. If you try to chase trends, it’s just not going to happen,” she advises. There is an importance to maintaining focus in order to be successful in the EDM industry. She says, “I think you thrive if you’re able to keep blinders on. Stay in your own space, don’t compare, and don’t scroll.”

As Evan Giaa continues to push boundaries and redefine her sound, one thing is clear: this is an artist who’s not afraid to take risks and stay true to her vision. Fans can look forward to Evan’s album release party on August 1st. “We rented an indoor skate park, and it’s going to be a full rave. I’m so excited,” she shares.


