FRED AGAIN At iii points

I could seriously listen to this set again again again again again. It's hands down the most emotionally powerful EDM set I've ever witnessed. Fred's performance had me in tears. Three years back, Fred embarked on an artistic journey, crafting what he named "Actual Life." Through artfully treated samples, he created what he calls “somewhat of a musical diary.” Fred incorporates these samples as visual elements during his live shows, unfolding the diary right before your eyes as he performs.

We’ve anxiously been awaiting another album from Fred with his recent releases, “Adore You” and “Ten.” Fred announced on his Instagram earlier today the album, which he thought was going to be released very soon, continues to evolve, and he would like to document a longer period of time than he initially thought. He says the album should be ready by next year.

While he mentions this doesn’t mean he won’t put anything out this year we will definitely be on the edge of our seats waiting for this release. In the meantime, you can get a sneak peak of what’s to come on his Instagram where he posted some snippets of the album.

OH! And he hints at a Baby Keem collab….



