In the world of electronic dance music (EDM), BYNX is a dynamic artist, blending influences, experimenting with sounds, and connecting with his audience in various ways. With roots embedded in his early exposure to electronic music, BYNX, shares his journey from being a wide-eyed enthusiast to a seasoned DJ and producer, navigating through the evolving landscape of music production, collaboration, and audience engagement.

His journey began with a connection to electronic music, sparked by tracks like "Born Slippy" by Underworld. His introduction to DJing came from always being around his sister and her friends who were immersed in the scene. He remembers watching one of her friends using vinyl records on turntables, starting a passion that would shape his musical trajectory. From acquiring his first mixer at the age of 17 to honing his skills as an opener for renowned artists like Dillon Francis and Avicii, BYNX’s journey is marked by relentless pursuit and dedication to the art.

In the following years, BYNX took some time away from music but the onset of COVID-19 prompted a return to his musical roots. Embracing passion projects and reconnecting with his familial musical influences, BYNX found support and inspiration in the creative process. Platforms like TikTok provided an avenue for expression, allowing BYNX to share his mixes and connect with a broader audience. 

In discussing his production process, BYNX highlights a shift towards experimentation and embracing the "messiness" of creativity. Recently, sampling has been a central element of his process, infusing his tracks with diverse vocals and synths, and allowing the music to evolve organically. He has a willingness to explore new avenues and push creative boundaries. He says, “I know I'll move forward with a track if, at the end of the production process, I'm standing up out of my chair, dancing like a goof, and having that 'yes' moment.”

BYNX characterizes collaborations with other artists by openness, mutual respect, and shared vision. Drawing parallels between collaboration and dating apps, he emphasizes alignment in artistic vision, and his experience in conversations with both artists who are willing to try something new and those who want to stick to their artistic path. He says, many of his collaborations come from shooting the shot through social media or organic connections within the music community.

Beyond the stage, BYNX emphasizes the importance of connecting with fans, recognizing their role as integral contributors to his musical journey. Whether through post-show interactions or leveraging social media platforms, BYNX prioritizes genuine connections with his audience. Meeting fans and speaking with them after his shows is something he mentions that always keeps him going and prepares him for the next set.

As the landscape of electronic music continues to evolve, BYNX offers insights into the future trajectory of electronic dance music. Embracing a spirit of open-mindedness and experimentation, he foresees a convergence of diverse genres, breaking traditional boundaries and creating innovation in EDM. Recently, with the resurgence of drum and bass to the fusion of techno and house, he envisions a musical landscape defined by fluidity, collaboration, and creative expression.

Amidst the technological advancements and the rise of AI-driven production tools, BYNX remains grounded in the importance of authenticity and human connection in music. While acknowledging the potential of AI tools as creative aids, he emphasizes the irreplaceable value of organic collaboration and genuine artistic expression. His perspective reflects a nuanced understanding of the evolving music industry, navigating the intersection of technology and creativity with thoughtful consideration.

BYNX’s musical journey serves as a testament to the power of passion, collaboration, and innovation in the electronic dance music industry. From beginning as a curious observer to sharing the stage with so many respected artists, his journey embodies the essence of artistic evolution and resilience. As he continues to push creative boundaries and connect with audiences worldwide, BYNX stands as an inspiration for many aspiring DJs and producers.

- Molly



