Kaleena zanders

This past weekend, we had the pleasure of getting to know the artist Kaleena Zanders. Kaleena possesses a big heart and an even bigger voice, energizing the entire crowd throughout her set. The combination of her strong vocals laid over intense beats created the recipe for the perfect night.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Kaleena and delve a little deeper into her journey as a DJ. She has been jet-setting all year, traveling with top DJs and performing at notable venues. Kaleena celebrated her birthday last week in Denver, CO, where she played with the duo Ship Wrek along with Disco Lines. Kaleena talked about the ups and downs of touring, telling us that one of her favorite parts was the flying itself!

On Friday, November 24th, Kaleena opened for SIDEPIECE at the Echo Lounge. It was her first time playing at the Echo Lounge, but not her first time doing a set in Dallas. Kaleena not only delivered a stellar set but also joined her fans in the crowd to dance and enjoy Sidepiece's performance.

Meeting Kaleena was an absolute delight, and we thoroughly enjoyed learning more about her and her journey.

Be sure to check out our full interview on YouTube for additional insights!


