Club space

Club Space stands as a testament to Miami's commitment to pushing the boundaries of nightlife. Unlike most clubs around the world, Space keeps its parties going all night long. As other cities wind down their parties, Miami is just getting started. The pulsating energy of Club Space is a beacon for night owls and party enthusiasts who crave an escape into the early morning hours.

One of the highlights of Club Space is its famed terrace. If you've graced the decks of the terrace, you're automatically in the cool club. World-renowned DJs vie for a chance to spin here, and each set becomes a sonic journey that captivates the crowd. The terrace is not just a dance floor; it's an experience, a roofless paradise for both DJs and party goers to connect through music.

Last weekend was a wild ride. Mau P took the decks, following his release of "beats from the underground." The Dutch DJ's on fire this year, and it's only January. He held the crowd captive from 4:00 am to 10:00 am – a six-hour long party.

Typically, when I visit Space, I arrive before 1:00 am and leave around 5:00 am. Perhaps I'm not a true "invader" because I never make it until the sun comes up. However, I wanted the full morning Space experience to see if it was worth it.

I headed to bed at 9:00 pm, set my alarm for 4:00 am, and woke up to pitch-black darkness. Pregamed with a Celsius, watched Mau's EDC Orlando set, Ubered to the club, and the excitement surged.

As I walked to the front, the line was empty, which I wasn't expecting. Meaning everyone had most likely been there all night. I ascended the famous rainbow stairs, and the bass was shaking the whole building. Initially nervous, I knew it was about to be an incredible morning.

Clubbing alone and sober can be daunting, but I had to try it out and give my honest review. Walking onto the dance floor with full confidence ensures just as much, if not more fun. You can fully express yourself and take in the music, even having a laugh at the zombies around you.

Space is a bit small for the A-List artists they attract. Unfortunately, I was mostly confined to the back, but being alone allowed me to move easily and work my way up to a platform. I danced by myself for an hour. One of my favorite moments was hearing "Innerbloom" while standing over the crowd, eye level with Mau P.

As the sun began to cast its rays, one might expect the crowd to thin out, but not at Club Space. The room remained full, and the dance floor was still alive with energy. The Miami spirit infuses everyone with a contagious vibrancy, creating an environment where the party never loses momentum.

Club Space is not just a venue; it's an experience, a living, breathing entity that embodies the spirit of electronic dance music. Whether you're a seasoned Space invader or a first-timer, the experience is unparalleled. Club Space invites you to surrender to the beats, lose yourself in the music, and become part of the famous Space Sunrises. So, if you find yourself in the Magic City of Miami, don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in the relentless energy of Club Space – where the night never ends, and the beats never stop.



