We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Sara Benyo, a rising songwriter, vocalist, producer, and DJ. Sara has been DJing for six years, but she emphasizes that she has been a musician her whole life, stating that she wouldn't be the DJ she is today without the musical background she has cultivated throughout her life. While Sara loves to mix, particularly focusing on dubs and wubs, she mentions "songwriting, singing, and being an artist are at the core of who I am, so it's very important to me to sing the lyrics that I write and hope to impact someone." When speaking with Sara, her genuine passion is evident, with a strong emphasis on the significance of connecting with her audience. Recently, Sara headlined her first show at Gilt Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Until then, she had primarily supported other artists and participated in co-headlining shows. She describes this experience as both exciting and nerve-racking. It's a milestone in her artistic journey, but the pressure increases as the audience is there specifically to see her, leading to moments of imposter syndrome. Sara expresses the electrifying energy when a touring artist takes the stage, and she felt surreal being at the center of that energy. Sara reflects on the surreal experience of seeing familiar faces she loves, and who reciprocate that love, from all across the country showing up to multiple shows to connect and enjoy music together. Sara's fans are truly unique. During her EDC set on MainStage Circuit Grounds, we had the opportunity to experience the incredible energy of her performance, and it was truly unforgettable. 

"I don't know; I feel like I was just born like this," was Saras response when we asked about her style and what has inspired it. She mentioned that even as a little girl, it wasn't so much about finding her sense of style but rather fighting against anything that contradicted who she knew she already was. In middle school, drawing inspiration from idols like Lady Gaga, Sara began to enjoy expressing herself through fashion. During this time, she experimented with various "hats," trying to discover her true identity, but none of them felt authentic. As Sara grew older, she discovered that being true to herself was the greatest gift she could give to both herself and the world. Her fashion sense became a process of embracing and expressing her authentic self, with the hope of inspiring others to do the same. She emphasized the importance, especially for females, of always remembering to be true to oneself, even in the way they dress. In the industry, Sara observed that many females tend to dress in baggy and more masculine clothing, possibly feeling the need to adopt a more masculine style to gain respect. She expresses gratitude for being in a position where she can use her platform to show that there is a safe space to challenge this stereotype and wear clothing that expresses individual identity. She believes that the industry should be a place where individuals are respected for who they are, both as people and artists, regardless of what they choose to wear.

As consumers, we all have songs and artists we turn to when we're happy, sad, need to process something, or just want to jam out in the car. When we asked about Sara's experience playing music she had written herself, she expressed, "It is genuinely surreal and incredibly special. Being a source of emotional outlet for others is something I don’t take lightly." Sara shared how she has had several people come up to her and tell her how her music has touched them and affected their lives. She emphasizes that with music and the arts, you are truly influencing culture and people's mindsets. She mentioned, "To be able to write lyrics of things I have needed to process through and have them resonate with other people, so they can heal themselves, and through that, create a domino effect of healing through my music is something that is so special, and I do not take it for granted."

Sara's musical journey has been inspired by many artists, including Skrillex for his incredible sound design and the "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" album. Additionally, we loved to hear about some incredible influential women on that list, including Alison Wonderland and Cray. These women use their platforms to promote authenticity, personal creativity, and are vocal about representing women in the electronic music industry. 

Building on this discussion, we delved into Sara's experience as a female in the industry. From her unique perspective, she mentioned that there are indeed challenges that women specifically face in the industry, and these challenges can be disheartening. Sara emphasized that women, particularly in music but especially in the electronic music industry, are heavily underrepresented. She shared that she was one of four women who played the Circuit Grounds MainStage at EDC Orlando last year. Sara encourages women to be pioneers, take the lead, and motivate other women to bring about change in the industry. She believes that significant change can only happen when things are shaken up. 

Sara shared her story of dealing with misogyny in the industry and not receiving the same respect for her music and production as a male artist might. She feels that this is a common experience for many female artists, especially on social media platforms. Despite these challenges, Sara believes that at the core of the EDM community is PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect), and many people are fighting for the representation of all kinds of people, including women, to uphold this core value. She mentioned that she feels there is much more good than bad in the industry. While acknowledging the specific challenges for women, Sara believes that this could never take away from what one is capable of as an artist. Her advice to aspiring DJs, especially females, is to be strong. There's nothing that can stop you from achieving your dreams, no matter what the world may suggest. Continue to push through, be strong, and find a support system. Sara highlighted that there are many amazing women and men in the industry who want to see women succeed and want representation of women in the industry. She feels that the industry needs both women supporting and speaking up for other women, and, more importantly, men who are willing to support and speak up for women as well. Ultimately, she emphasized the importance of people uplifting one another and never undermining another artist's work or success.

Sara shares, “The best advice to give other women chasing their dreams is to never give up, surround yourself with people that support you and will fight for you, and never stop being yourself. Never stop fighting for yourself and your dreams. Don’t be afraid to take up space and be exactly who you are, because there’s someone out there that needs you. Feminine energy is a powerful thing when harnessed and is the ultimate tool of creation — yet many are threatened by it because of its power. You’ve got to get REALLY confident in knowing who YOU are and know YOUR worth & value, because there’s going to be a lot of people who are going to TRY to tell you who you are and who you should be. I can’t stress enough to also TRUST TRUST TRUST YOUR INTUITION. There’s going to be people out there that want to see you fail, and sometimes it just so happens to be people that you thought were in your corner. While some people may want to see you fail, the truth is they’re afraid of your success & the change you can bring to the world. There's going to be times where people try to make you feel like you don’t have the strength or have what it takes, but the truth is you’re already stronger than they’ll ever be. Women by nature are resilient and carry a very special level of perseverance, both physically and emotionally. To have the courage to step out in a male dominated industry confidently and take up space, put vulnerable art into the world, and to put yourself out there in front of millions of people on a stage, and online to perceive you takes more strength than most will ever know. You can truly do anything you set your mind to — and by paving the way in a male dominated industry, just know out there somewhere is a little girl that sees what you’re doing, and will have the strength to follow her dreams because you did.

It was such a pleasure to chat with Sara Benyo about her journey as an artist, and we're thrilled to share some exciting projects she has in store. Sara hinted at something super exciting in the works, though it's a secret for now—stay tuned for more details. Additionally, she is collaborating on merchandise with one of her favorite rave companies and is eager to begin rolling it out at the beginning of 2024. Finally, her first release of the year just dropped yesterday! We can't wait to witness Sara's continued growth in her career!



